I am proud to announce that Michael Hinckley, David Griffiths, John Ross, Dave McNamee and myself will be hosting the first ever Orlando Florida edition of the world famous SPSaturday event on Saturday, June 9th, 2012. If you live near the Central Florida area or are in town early for the big Microsoft TechEd Conference (June 11th to the 14th) come on by and check it out. We are hoping to provide a lot of valuable FREE SharePoint content to compliment the SharePoint sessions that Microsoft will be providing at TechEd.
Here is some info from our website to describe the event:
Join SharePoint architects, developers, and other professionals that work with Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 for ‘SharePoint Saturday’ event. SharePoint Saturday is an educational, informative & lively day filled with sessions from respected SharePoint professionals & MVPs, covering a wide variety of SharePoint-orientated topics. SharePoint Saturday is FREE, open to the public and is your local chance to immerse yourself in SharePoint!
ITT Technical Institute
Suite 100
8301 Southpark Cir
Orlando, FL 32819
If you are interested in sponsoring or speaking at the event please don’t hesitate to sign up at the Saturday Orlando website. Slots are filling up fast!
Find out more info on the event at http://www.sharepointsaturday.org/orlando