Category SharePoint

Nik's 15 Minutes of Fame

My good pal Nik Molnar recently moved up the NYC, and was a guest on the .Net Rocks internet radio show. He’s mostly at the beginning just shooting the poop with the host, but its still pretty cool.

Kivati Studio Released

Check out this new product from Kivati, seems like they took all of the SharePoint web service API’s and abstracted them out into a GUI layer that allows developers to rapidly build SharePoint applications. I’m sure the devil is in…

Microsoft Office Labs

Check out a new pilot project from the MS Office team. Sort of like Google Labs, Office labs is a place to check out and give feedback on the latest and greatest ideas from the office team. So far, theres…

IE8 Beta 1 with SharePoint (Revisit)

Ok, if you’ve read my previous post where I talk about IE8 rendering out of the box MOSS Master Pages poorly, you may have been confused by some of my results. Turns out I was using the Developer Tools to…