Old Posts

My old posts can be seen at and the old RSS feed can be viewed at www.drisgill.com

GettyImages Moodstream

GettyImagesᅠis usingᅠFlash / Flex to make a really coolᅠ”multimedia mood ring” for lack of a better description. You click your mood from a dial selector and then random intriguing videos and images fade in and out over a soundtrack that…

Kivati Studio Released

Check out this new product from Kivati, seems like they took all of the SharePoint web service API’s and abstracted them out into a GUI layer that allows developers to rapidly build SharePoint applications. I’m sure the devil is in…

Microsoft Office Labs

Check out a new pilot project from the MS Office team. Sort of like Google Labs, Office labs is a place to check out and give feedback on the latest and greatest ideas from the office team. So far, theres…

IE8 Beta 1 with SharePoint (Revisit)

Ok, if you’ve read my previous post where I talk about IE8 rendering out of the box MOSS Master Pages poorly, you may have been confused by some of my results. Turns out I was using the Developer Tools to…