Two SharePoint design books from Wrox

Just wanted to make a quick post to take care of two birds with one stone:

First, congrats to Woody Windischman and his co-authors for finishing their Wrox book Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007. I haven’t read it yet, but I’m sure its an excellent addition to any SharePointer’s bookshelf.

Second, I wanted to point out that my book has a very similar name and is also published by Wrox, its title is Professional SharePoint 2007 Design. As you can see, Woody’s book title is quite similar to mine. So whats different between the two and why did Wrox need both? I’m glad you asked. My book focuses on the actual design process for branding websites with SharePoint (which includes a chapter that discusses the product SharePoint Designer). Woody’s book on the other hand focuses entirely on the ins and outs of the SharePoint Designer product.

So, which should you get if you are looking to do SharePoint design? I say get both 😉 One will teach you how to use SharePoint Designer to its fullest while the other will help you understand the process of taking a design from a Photoshop comp to a functioning SharePoint master page or theme (as well as other topics).